Welcome to The Broker

The broker is a middle market seller based in Northern Sweden who helps
broker deals between Northern Swedish companies with those in the UK and
Ireland. The service we offer is helping companies in Northern Sweden to
expand into the larger markets of the United Kingdom and Ireland. We help
you package your company for either or both of these large English markets.
We have previous experience selling profile products from Northern
Sweden to large companies such as Virgin, Pfizer and Lamco Paper Sales.

The ongoing trend is companies such as facebook, other large IT groups and
tourism are increasing their presence here in norrbotten.  We see this as the
perfect opportunity for small to medium sized companies to capitalize on the
exposure of Northern Sweden in the international business arena. With our
service we know how to bring Northern European companies together with
those of the UK and Ireland.  We’re looking forward to helping you expand
your business
into the English market.